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Is there a recall for the Opel Insignia GT water pump leaking?

      管理员   2024-01-13

There is no recall for the water pump leakage issue in the Opel Insignia GT. The common cause of the leakage is usually a damaged seal ring on the water pump, leading to the leakage. In such cases, replacing the seal ring with a new water pump can solve the issue. It is important to note that if the leakage is caused by a damaged water pump bearing or cracks in the water pump itself, then the entire water pump would need to be replaced. However, if the leakage is due to a quality issue with the water pump, manufacturers typically do not initiate a recall but instead offer free replacement of the water pump to resolve the issue. If your vehicle is still under warranty, you can directly go to an authorized dealer to have the water pump replaced free of charge.

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