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Lingxiao Pumps: The company primarily engages in centrifugal pump sales, with overseas customers spanning over 80 countries and regions.

      管理员   2024-01-13

According to the investor relations activity records disclosed by Lingxiao Pumps on January 8th, the company's main business is the research, development, design, production, and sales of civil centrifugal pumps. Its main products include plastic bathroom pumps, stainless steel pumps, clean water pumps, submersible pumps, and pipeline pumps. The company's distribution channels consist of both distribution and direct sales, each accounting for about 50%. The overseas market mainly focuses on plastic bathroom pumps, with some stainless steel pumps. In the domestic market, stainless steel pumps are the main focus, followed by some plastic bathroom pumps. General-purpose pumps are primarily sold domestically. The overall prices of the company's products remain relatively stable, but they are influenced by fluctuations in raw material prices and the prices of similar products in the market. The company has established more than a dozen offices in China, responsible for sales activities, technical support, and services in their respective regions. The distribution network covers major cities across the country. Overseas customers are located in over 80 countries and regions worldwide.

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